Saturday 28 April 2012

#TPP「日本を待っていられない」キャンプ下院歳入委員長 → 【提案】 Dave Camp 議員に「待たない下さい」 twitter しましょう♡ (サンプル英文付き)

TPP交渉「日本を待っていられない」米有力議員(04/27 19:56)



これはTPP反対派にとっては良いニュースです。先方はもう待ってくれないといっています。Dave Camp 議員も米国内の多国籍企業のロビイストからも早くやれとつつかれているのでしょう。そんな優柔不断な日本を待つことありませんっと、twitterで、Dave Camp 議員にささやいてみてはいかがでしょうか? 



twitter sample.  他にも英文作成のご希望があれば、日本文を送ってください。英文にてお返しします。(でも、下品なのはだめですよ。) Campさんも正気でTPPがアメリカ国民のためになるなんて思っていないでしょう?

ここに追加させていただくかもしれません。twitter か、youtubeで連絡してください。♡ 
1) 日本らしく (?)、ちょっと、下手に出たコメントをしてみました。日本はいつも決定が遅いという定評(?)がありますが、それを逆手にとって「ご迷惑をおかけしたくないので」という皮肉も含めて、言ってみました。

Thank you for your advice on #TPP , however, typically  we will always delay decision making,  please go ahead without Japan @RepDaveCamp

TPPについてのアドバイスありがとうござます。しかし、一般的に私たちはいつも意志決定が遅れます。 どうぞ、日本抜きで作業を進めてください。

2) 野田さんの言うことはすべて無視してください。彼はもうすぐ首になります。

Thank you for your advice on #TPP , please go ahead without Japan, and ignore whatever Mr Noda says as he will get sucked soon @RepDaveCamp


Dave Camp

Dave Camp 


Republican Rep. for MI's 4th District, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee -


#TPP 企業ロビイストによる秘密交渉 アメリカ市民よ 目を覚ませ!

過去20年観にわたり「自由貿易」に騙され続けてきた、アメリカ市民の悲痛の叫びが感じられます。話されてる内容が、日本市民向けと全く同じです。つまり、TPP ニセ自由貿易とは、多国籍企業 対 主権国家(国民)ということです。




Backdoor Negotiating and the TPP Wake Up America! on Blip.


Monday 23 April 2012







ヘリテージ財団と文鮮明 (統一協会)の関係



「1980年代初頭に、KCIAはヘリテージ財団に寄付を始めました。その見返りに、ヘリテージ財団はアジア研究センターを設立し... 」




(Google 翻訳ソフトもブログに加えました。使ってみてください。)

The 1975 Congressional investigation of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA) activities in the U.S. noted a connection between Heritage and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. was recruited in 1977 by Richard Scaife to become Heritage president, a position he holds today:
"The report of the investigation noted, 'In 1975, Ed Feulner ... was introduced to KCIA station chief Kim Yung Hwan by Neil Salonen and Dan Feffernan of the Freedom Leadership foundation.' Salonen was head of Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church in the United States. The Freedom Leadership Foundation (FLF), a political arm of Moon's Unification network was linked to the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). The FLF was described as 'an organization to be used to achieve KCIA objectives,' by the Congressional report, which was based on a KCIA document that discussed FLF." (8)
In the early 1980s, the KCIA began making donations to Heritage Foundation. In turn, Heritage established an Asian Studies Center which The Nation magazine of 1/23/89 states "has quartered apologists for [So. Korean Prime Minister] Chun's regime." (9)The Wall Street Journal of August 1995 does not mention Sun Myung Moon, but references the Korea Foundation, one of Heritage's largest donors and an affiliate of the South Korean government. The article clearly states that Heritage Foundation promotes and actually writes pro-Korean legislation:
"Heritage scholars, for example, have drafted specific language for legislation that would help South Korea by encouraging the U.S. to include Seoul more directly in U.S. dealings with North Korea.  Meantime, one of Heritage's largest donors, the Korea Foundation, is an affiliate of the South Korean government, according to Yoo Lee, a spokesman for South Korea's embassy here.  Heritage's President Edwin Feulner says he isn't aware that the Korea Foundation is an arm of their government..."While Heritage has gotten most of its attention on domestic issues, it also has been an active proponent for an array of trade and other policies supported by South Korea and Taiwan.  Such efforts, it says, reflects "the growing importance of the Asia-Pacific community."  In December, Heritage scholar Daryl Plunk provided language for a draft resolution, essentially calling for the administration to adopt a U.S. policy more in line with the wishes of South Korea, to Colorado GOP Rep. Scott McInnis.  Rep McInnis, who last year was escorted on a trip to South Korea by Mr. Plunk, introduced a provision in Congress containing similar language.
"Heritage's Mr. Feulner himself has taken an active role in promoting South Korean issues in Congress through actions such as testifying before committees to promote the think tank's pro-South Korea positions.  Meantime, one in six of Heritage's 24 known major donors last year  -- gifts of $100,000 or more -- were Taiwanese or South Korean concerns.  Over the past three years, Heritage has received nearly $1 million from the Korea Foundation which is funded by South Korea's Foreign Ministry, says the embassy's Mr. Lee." (10)
The Heritage offices in Washington, D.C. have housed and employed a number of Unification Church operatives:
"Heritage's Director of Administration in 1980 was Michael Warder, who was a key leader of Moon's Unification network in the United States ...
"Christian Voice is one Moon-connected group that has operated out of the Heritage building. A 'former' Moon operative, Gary Jarmin, attacked critics of Moon and gave an interview to a Moon-controlled newspaper after he joined the Christian Voice (CV) staff. CV's chair, Robert Grant, has been a leader of Moon's Unification network front groups such as the American Freedom Coalition, which fundraised for Oliver North." (11)
In the 1970s, Richard Viguerie became the direct-mail fundraiser for Weyrich's Committee for Survival of a Free Congress. Viguerie developed the direct-mail enterprise into a mult-million dollar business which has used its considerable power to influence the election of conservative candidates for political office. During the 70s, Viguerie trained a political cadre and established, staffed, and funded new organizations, transforming the New Right into "an institutionalized, disciplined, well-organized, and well-financed movement of loosely-knit affiliates" that formed a political base for the conservative revolution of the next decade.In 1976, Weyrich, Viguerie and Howard Phillips attempted a takeover of the American Independent Party and, in the wake of failure, turned to Jerry Falwell to form the Moral Majority. When Rev. Moon was indicted in 1981 for fraud and criminal tax evasion, Falwell unexpectedly joined with other religious leaders to present an amicus curiae, (friend of the court) brief on behalf of the Reverend Moon. A 1987 Seattle Times explained "How Rev. Moon Got Ensconced with the New Right" via Paul Weyrich's network:
"Ron Godwin, an influential former vice president of Falwell's Moral Majority, is one of several who experienced a conversion."In 1984 Godwin attacked another fundamentalist leader for taking Moonie money. 'It strikes me as peculiar,' observed Godwin, himself an evangelical Christian, 'that (he) should accept financial support from a church whose founder believes he's divine . . . It's a little like the Jewish National Fund accepting money from (PLO leader Yasir) Arafat.'
"Eighteen months later, Godwin joined the Moonie - owned Washington Times as a senior vice president, where he also serves as emissary to conservative Christian leaders.
"Then there's Richard Viguerie, until recently more than $1.5 million in debt, according to Fairfax, Va., court records. They indicate that in mid-October the U.S. Property Development Corp. paid $10.06 million to 7777 Associates for the suburban Virginia office building including Viguerie's headquarters. Viguerie owned 72 percent of 7777 Associates, according to Virginia records, and U.S. Property's president is Moon's right-hand man, Bo Hi Pak.
"Viguerie now serves with Abernathy on the five-man board of the Moonie-dominated American Freedom Coalition. The coalition, which claims a 'house list' of more than 300,000 member-contributors, is also Viguerie's biggest new direct-mail client." (12)
More recently, when Falwell's Liberty University was in danger of bankruptcy, Sun Myung Moon came to the rescue through one of his front groups,which funnelled $3.5 million to the Reber-Thomas Christian Heritage Foundation which had purchased the school's debt of $73 million. Ron Godwin, former executive director of the Moral Majority, and now vice president of Moon's Washington Times, accompanied Falwell to South Korea in January of 1994 for a meeting with representatives of the Unification Church.

Sunday 22 April 2012




Bahrain grand prix protests - live updates

Anti-government protesters flash victory signs as they burn tyres in Budaiya, Bahrain
Anti-government protesters flash victory signs as they burn tyres in Budaiya, Bahrain Photograph: Hamad I Mohammed/Reuters

アノニマス コレクティブはフォーミラーワンウェブサイトををバーレーンGP開催を準備に抗議をしてハックしました。チケット販売と出席者に関するデータを公開しました。しかし、プライバシー保護のために個人の詳細は隠しています。


12.21pm: The Anonymous collective has hacked into a Formula One website in protest at the staging of the Bahrain GP. It has also published a data dump of ticket sales and attendees but it has redacted personal details to preserve privacy. The statement by Anonymous says:
How dare the government of Bahrain hide behind an international sporting event as an attempt to conceal the oppression it is committing against its own people. How dare King al-Khalifa claim that the hundreds of thousands of demonstrators who march in the streets for freedom, democracy and non-sectarianism are "just a few troublemakers." How dare they waste the people's money to hire public relations firms to lie on their behalf about the crimes they're committing.
How dare the Formula One organisation allow the royal family to profit millions of dollars off of holding an event there, money which in turn is being used to purchase tear gas and live ammunition which has been used against civilians while Formula One is being held. How dare Bernie Ecclestone and the Formula One organisation condone such horrific violations of human rights in the name of profit. As a response for your callus disregard for human life we, Anonymous, are taking the liberty of educating you, your fans, and the world about the crisis in Bahrain and giving you a cyber taste of your own medicine.
To the fans of F1: You have every right to watch and enjoy your sport, but you have the responsibility to consider the ramifications of your support of this event. Please do the right thing and join the people of Bahrain in solidarity by boycotting this event. Do not watch it on television, do not visit F1 websites. Show that you do not condone racing on the blood of the innocent. Turn your eyes away from this abominable race for this one weekend to send a clear message that the fans of F1 value the rights of people more than the sick negligence of humanity.



Anonymous: Operation Bahrain

Citizens of the world,

We are Anonymous.

For over one year the people of Bahrain have peacefully protested in the streets for freedom, justice, and democracy. They have been met with tear gas, live ammunition, torture, kidnapping and death while the United Nations and countries around the world turn their backs.

People have been imprisoned for the crime of 'advocating human rights.' Citizens whose families have been murdered by the government are arrested, women are raped, tear gas is fired in to homes at night and infants lay dead.

We demand the Bahraini government stop killing its people. We demand they put an end to their Human Rights violations, stop arresting and torturing their citizens, and stop the use of mercenaries against their own people. We demand the immediate release of all human rights activists and all those jailed for political "crimes." We also demand the Qorvis corporation and other American P R firms stop working on behalf of the Bahraini government and stop their active campaigns of disinformation, lies, and harassment of activists.

We will lay waste to your servers, spread the truth about your illegitimate government, show solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Bahrain and expose your crimes against humanity.

To the people of Bahrain, continue protesting. Continue demonstrating peacefully. You have the support of the people of the world and you will have the freedom you deserve.

モンサントが州政府を訴えると脅している! #TPP は多国籍企業 対 主権国家 (アメリカ 対 日本 ではない)

TPPは多国籍企業 対 主権国家 で、国 対 国 ではないと、言い続けていますが、とりわけ、国単位で物事を考えるように社会化されている多くの日本の人たちには理解しにくいことかもしれません。

もう少し噛み砕いて言うと、FTA TPPのような「自由貿易協定」というスローガンは、国際銀行家=多国籍企業が、アメリカ「国内」市場で実践してきたことです。アメリカから中流階級を消滅させ、アメリカ市民を奴隷にしてきた成果を「これはすばらしい」と世界中でやろうと、「自由貿易協定」という名において、不自由な競争排除独占制度を広げているだけです。


Monsanto threatens Vermont legislature over GMO labeling bill, says it will sue state
Friday, April 20, 2012 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer




Stop Corporate Bullying!

Monsanto says it will sue the state of Vermont if legislators pass a GMO labeling bill (H722).

Millions Against MonsantoThe OCA has started a legal defense fund for Vermont and any other state Monsanto threatens to sue.

Let's show Monsanto and our elected officials that the people will not be bullied.

Please make a tax-deductible donation today!



アメリカ政府が国際銀行家に乗っ取られて、日本政府も国際銀行家の子分の経団連に乗っ取られているのであれば、アメリカ 対 日本といっても、この言説ではらちがあきません。(だって、国際銀行家 対 国際銀行家の談合で、結論は決まっています)












大量逮捕への日程(メモ)5月1日 オキュパイ運動にアノミマスも参加

オキュパイ運動が メーデー に向かって、大きな集会を企画しています。

オキュパイ運動にアノミマスが参加。ウォールストリートがメーデー 5月1日にデモをするとあります。






Friday 6 April 2012



4月3日 (ベンジャミンブログより)
In any case, the most concrete and detailed intelligence available to this writer comes from Japan where government officials say that for technical administrative reasons, it will take a couple of weeks to set up the 1000 trillion yen fund. These reasons include maintaining payrolls, pensions, tax revenues and other administrative nitty gritty. 

新しい金融システムで日本から動かないで資金供給できないでしょ?ってことは、大量逮捕後の混乱を考えると、当然この後? 4/21-22  4/28/29 


4/5 Thrive 無料公開へ

ギリシャ国債のhaircut (部分的借金帳消し)受け入れの締め切りの4月4日から4月20日まで再び延ばしました。9割以上の国債保有者が受け入れ合意をしたことになっているから、偏重しなくてもよいはずなのだけれど。。(実際はそれほど、受け入れていない、あるいは、受け入れていても、ギリシャ救済資金など存在しない)


Greece extends bond swap deadline again for holdouts

Athens must in any case make a decision soon, in coordination with its EU and IMF backers, because a 450 million euro (371 million pounds) bond expires on May 15, finance ministry and banking officials said.

Completion of the bulk of the swap allowed Greece to get a new EU/IMF bailout last month and has helped ease market concerns over the euro zone debt crisis, at least for now.

But how Greece deals with the remaining investors is likely to set an important precedent for other highly indebted euro zone states and "vulture funds" who buy distressed government debt in the hope of securing a bigger payout in courts.

Athens gave investors on Thursday until April 20 to join in, extending a deadline that had already been moved back once to April 4.



5月 野田総理訪米 このときはアメリカで大量逮捕が実施済みで、1) 訪米が延長される 2) 日本が国際経済企画庁を設立と欧米経済の建て直しに援助すると発表。 こうなると野田さん歴史的な政治家になっちまうかも?

MF GLOBAL での議会調査の継続されます。直近の明白な犯罪行為 JP MORGAN = FRB = ECB と犯罪を暴いていくのであれば、ここから直近の金融詐欺を暴く過程で、金融詐欺集団への関心と批判を強めていって、

4/21ににギリシャをディフォルトさせ、その週末に一気に大量逮捕をして新金融システムに移行してしまう?過激すぎかな?そしたら、一週間程度はかけて混乱を収拾させて、新システム移行と大量逮捕は 4/28前後とか。



4/29 5/6 ギリシャ選挙
5/13 ドイツ州議会選挙

